What Happens When Your Furnace Filter is Too Dirty?

Learn what happens when you don't replace your furnace filter regularly and how it can affect your HVAC system. Find out how to detect signs that it's time to replace your furnace filter.

What Happens When Your Furnace Filter is Too Dirty?

A clogged furnace air filter can have a major impact on the airflow in your home and your HVAC system. Without fresh air, the heat exchanger will become too hot and shut off. Dirty filters can also cause short cycling problems and make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature. If you don't replace the filter regularly, it can become so clogged that the unit stops working altogether. It's important to change your furnace filter every month.

After a while, it will become blocked with dust and debris. The most serious consequence of a clogged air filter is the damage it can cause to your furnace. A dirty filter can prevent your furnace from heating your home. As with your HVAC unit in summer, an oven that can't dissipate heat efficiently will get hotter and hotter. Ovens have a limit switch which will automatically turn off the oven when it reaches a certain temperature.

Checking your furnace filter should be part of your monthly routine, but it's often overlooked. If you think that your furnace isn't working properly because you haven't changed the air filter, first check the kill switch and circuit breakers to make sure that the furnace is actually turned on. If the filter becomes too clogged with dust, dander, and dirt, the fan will have to work harder to get air through the clogged filter. It's not uncommon to think that it's time to replace an oven because it finally stopped working. You can search for a filter on your own or contact a certified technician to determine which filter is best for your unit and complete the replacement for you.

You may be able to detect some signs that it's time to replace the filter before the oven shuts down completely. Dirty filters don't require as much energy from the HVAC system to work properly as clean air filters do. One of the worst things about a dirty furnace filter is that all the dust and dirt that must be filtered is recirculated back into your home. If you don't want poor air quality or increased energy costs, follow the manufacturer's instructions and replace the furnace filter regularly. Air filters that aren't replaced retain months of allergens, dust, and other harmful particles that create unhealthy air in your home. Replacing the filter is an easy and economical step to save money, extend the system's life, and improve indoor air quality.

The repair can easily end up costing you a lot of money, so be sure to replace the furnace filter in time. One of the purposes of an air filter is to filter out all microscopic particles such as dust, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, plant and fungal spores, and even smoke.

Fredrick Kimber
Fredrick Kimber

Passionate bacon nerd. Amateur student. Certified food nerd. Typical web buff. Bacon specialist.