Can a Dirty Filter Make a Furnace Stop Working?

Dirty air filters can cause an oven to stop working properly by blocking vital airflow and overheating the heat exchanger. Learn how often you should replace your oven filter and how this affects your energy consumption.

Can a Dirty Filter Make a Furnace Stop Working?

Dirty air filters can be the cause of an oven that is not working properly. This is because these filters trap dust, dirt, and debris such as hair, which can eventually block or restrict the vital air flow, causing the heat exchanger to overheat and preventing the oven from functioning as it should. A clogged oven air filter will also have a negative effect on the airflow throughout the house and the HVAC system. The lack of fresh air in the oven will cause the heat exchanger to become too hot and shut off.

Dirty filters can also lead to short cycling problems and make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. We suggest replacing the clogged air filter before summer to avoid damaging the air conditioner compressor. The fan performance of the heating and cooling system has a major impact on your home's energy consumption, as it needs to work harder to bring air into the entire house, resulting in higher energy bills. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, a clogged filter can consume up to 15% more energy.

This inefficiency increases rapidly as the filter becomes increasingly clogged or until it is replaced. When an air filter is clogged, the air controller must work harder to make up for the blocked airflow. If you have any questions about problems you may encounter with your oven, if you have a dirty filter, or if you want to have a heating system repaired or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning, your St. A clogged air filter will allow all of the dust and dirt that should be filtered out to be redistributed into your home.

To ensure that the air in your home is safe to breathe, it's important to continuously replace the oven air filter to prevent dirt and debris from entering into the air supply. But sometimes, problems with the boiler due to a dirty air filter will prevent it from generating enough heat when you need it most. It's important to check and replace dirty air filters every 1-6 months in order to save money on energy consumption. If your home uses another type of heating system such as a boiler that uses water to heat the house, it won't have filters, but for a furnace or heat pump, a filter is an essential component. When this filter is clogged, it won't be able to effectively remove dirt and other particles from the air that circulates through the oven.

A professional HVAC technician can help solve these problems for you and let you know how often you should change your oven filter in order to avoid these issues. No matter what time of year it is, a dirty air filter can cause significant problems with the heating and cooling system. Since the oven will have to work harder to get air in, you can also expect higher energy costs. An oven filter serves as a barrier that traps dust and dirt that enters through the return duct so they don't reach the fan fan.

Fredrick Kimber
Fredrick Kimber

Passionate bacon nerd. Amateur student. Certified food nerd. Typical web buff. Bacon specialist.